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Right Here, Right Now
Home Sweet Home
Husband O'Mine
Caden's Story
Carpe Diem!


My sweet, shy, loving, talkative, demanding furbaby
Marigold and I met in January, 2001, when I visited Denver's Cat Care Society. She was in the "shy cats" room, laying on her cage. When I entered the room, she lifted her head and gave me the once over. We bonked heads and she tugged at my heartstrings. I took her home with me.


We had a rocky beginning, Marigold had been neglected by her owners and then bounced around foster homes. I couldn't understand why people didn't want her. When she was brought to the Cat Care Society, she had a litter of kittens with her: Daffy, Poppy, Larkspur and Buttercup. Naturally, kittens get adopted out fast, but unfortunately, their mommy was stuck at the Society until I found her.

She was scared, skittish and it took a long while until I built trust with her. It was so strange, I'd never had a cat that doesn't like to be held or picked up. I'd never adopted a cat that wasn't a kitten, either. Marigold was so stressed out that she had UTIs and would pee on the floor. Finally, I had to give her this medicine that made her relax and she stopped peeing. That medicine really worked!  She is not nearly as shy as she used to be.  She will usually hide in the closet for the first part of having company over, then she'll come out to check out the scene.

Marigold's favorite toys are the feather-chaser, her little furry mice and anything of mine that gets near the floor so she can attack it!

She loves to be brushed and brushed and brushed. I set up an ironing board beside my bedroom window and she loves to lay up there and be brushed, and given shoulder massages. Really gets into that!


I have to give huge thanks to the ladies at the Think Like a Cat board at ivillage. This group is so supportive and will happily answer any question you may have. Marigold loves all her aunties there! Gracias, amigas, you all are THE BEST!


Here's my girl, Mandi, and her two furry kids Floyd and Jordan.  Mandi is a community leader on the Think Like A Cat board and she lives in Minnesota.  I went to visit out there last summer and we were able to meet and spend some time playing with the boys.  Tons of fun!!

I would swear she poses for pictures. Sometimes the amount of time to get the camera, turn it on and point and shoot is just too long and she knows it! I've learned to be quicker on the draw when it comes to photographing Marigold.


This great cat tree came from a man who lives in Nebraska named Tom. He is the best priced I've found, and if you live in the Denver area, he even does free delivery!  I used to have a web address for Tom, but it has since gone out of service.  I'll try to call him and see what his new site is and will update when I get the info.


Marigold has really taken to massage. She will just plop down anywhere and practically ask for it. I rub her shoulders and she'll close her eyes, I know she's enjoying it. I think that massage is very helpful for animals, especially when you're dealing with trust issues. Marigold and I take every opportunity to bond, and the massage is helpful.